Women Advancing River Research

Announcing a New Online Seminar Series        https://zoom.us/j/91647583975

Wiley Presents: Women Advancing River Research

Ongoing challenges associated with Covid 19 have isolated members of the river research community by restricting in-person attendance at workshops and conferences. However, Covid 19 has also created opportunities by enhancing the community’s use of online communications platforms. 

We are deeply aware of the unusually heavy burden that family responsibilities associated with child- and elder-care during Covid have placed on many of us, but particularly on women in science. Consequently, we would like to highlight and celebrate women’s research contributions through this online seminar. The seminar features monthly presentations by twelve women who have made significant contributions to our understanding of rivers. Each live presentation will be recorded, with a live question and answer session immediately after the seminar and a second live question and answer session the following day at a different time to facilitate participation across time zones. Details will be advertised a week before each seminar.

Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University

Dörthe Tetzlaff, IGB Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Georgia Destouni, Stockholm University

Stuart Lane, University of Lausanne


Seminar schedule

Berit Arheimer, Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute                  February 25, 2021

River flow in catchment modelling using HYPE for water management, open science and global development


Petra Döll, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany                                               March 24

Multi-variable ensemble-based parameter and uncertainty estimation for a global hydrological model


Kamini Singha, Colorado School of Mines, US                                                         April 28                           

Surface water-groundwater connectivity controls on critical zone processes         


Michele Koppes, University of British Columbia, Canada                                   May 18                            

Braiding knowledges of braided rivers: integrating place-based, indigenous and situated knowledges in the study of glaciated watersheds


Angela Gurnell, Queen Mary University London, UK                                            June 15

The importance of plants for river geomorphology                                              


Audrey Sawyer, Ohio State University, US                                                               July

Streambed tapestries: Stream-groundwater mixing and relationships with morphology, metals, and microbes         


Tanya Doody, CSIRO, Australia                                                                                    August

Riverine invasive species management – thinking outside the box


Paola Passalacqua, University of Texas, US                                                             September 8   

Transport mechanisms across geomorphic transitions: analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of river-floodplain connectivity                         


Elowyn Yager, University of Idaho, US                                                                       October 20

Finding a signal in the noise: how turbulence, jamming, and bed structure explain variations in the onset of sediment motion                                                                        


Nicole Gasparini, Tulane University, US                                                                    November 8    

River processes in landscape evolution models: Possibilities for the next decade    


Iris Moeller, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland                                                             December 14

Modification of waves and water flows through the presence of coastal wetlands: a journey from the micro- to the macro-scale                                                                  


Anne Mather, University of Plymouth, UK                                                               January 2022

Unlocking deeper time perspectives on rivers and their contribution to landscape change


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