Gilbert Club on-line March 5, come participate!


After much help from others, we have settled on a plan to hold an on-line Gilbert Club meeting (representing 2020!).  The details are below.  It will include the usual GC elements- a roll call, presentations from JGR editor (Amy East) and NSF (Raleigh Martin), pop ups, and this year, a single speaker- Suzanne Anderson (who was awarded the AGU Earth and Planetary Surface Processes G.K. Gilbert Award in 2020).  You can see that there is an emphasis on community (roll call, pop ups, and, at the end, an invitation to a Wonder room to “socialize” as best one can on-line).  At the choice of the individual contributor, the pop ups will be posted and open to all, otherwise their video will only be shown at the time of the meeting.  

We will set up  a web page where examples of  Roll call videos will be posted and you will be invited to upload your video and a video of a Pop up, should you chose to do so.  

Please look for the next announcement for specifics regarding access to the web page and format for videos.

Hope to see you March 5


Gilbert Club (on-line)
Friday March 5, 2021
37th annual meeting



All times in the Pacific time zone
 6:30 – 7:30 am 
Roll call:  recorded video messages 5-15 seconds assembled in advance. Name, Affiliation, and any extra statement (seeking a post-doc, have a post-doc to offer, job opportunities, etc.)


Live (and recorded for later viewing)
7:30 am -7:40 am:
Bill Dietrich (UC Berkeley)


7:40 – 7: 55 am
Amy East (Editor Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface)


7:55 – 8:45 am
Suzanne Anderson (University of Colorado)
            Inside the critical zone


8:45 – 9:00 am
 Raleigh Martin (Program Director, National Science Foundation)
9:00-9:15 am Break


9:15- 10: 00 am Pop-ups!

10:00- 11:00 am
            For those who wish to connect real time with others:


Wonder room
            (Open connection to freely interact with others)

Popups: 2 minute presentations on any topic of interest to the geomorphic community.  Short research statements, meetings and workshop announcements, collaborations, funding opportunities, interesting videos, new books,  and so on.  


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